› PDRs4All: JWST's view of the Orion Bar - Els Peeters, SETI Institute, 189 Bernardo Avenue, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA, Department of Physics & Astronomy & Institute of Earth and Space Exploration, Western University, London ON N6A 3K7, Canada
11:00-11:30 (30min)
› Dust Grain Properties in the Gas-Rich Absorption Systems of Diverse Galaxies at z<2 - Monique Aller, Georgia Southern University
11:30-11:45 (15min)
› The dust population in PDRs: impact on PDR structure and observable tracers - Raphaël Meshaka, Raphaël Meshaka
11:45-12:00 (15min)
› AstroPAHs: from laboratory experiments to observational diagnostics - Christine Joblin, Institut de recherche en astrophysique et planétologie
13:30-14:00 (30min)
› Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and dust in star-forming regions and the vicinity of AGN: a JWST view - Ismael Garcia-Bernete, University of Oxford
14:00-14:15 (15min)
› A computational anharmonic IR database of nanosilicate clusters at astrochemically relevant temperatures - Zeyuan Tang, Center for Interstellar Catalysis, Aarhus University
14:15-14:30 (15min)
› Temperature-dependent optical properties of dust analogues for the interpretation of astronomical observations - Karine Demyk, Institut de recherche en astrophysique et planétologie
14:30-14:45 (15min)
› Dark Dust - Ralf Siebenmorgen, European Southern Observatory
15:30-16:00 (30min)
› Dust content of galaxies at high redshift - Tomoko Suzuki, Kavli IPMU
16:00-16:30 (30min)
› Constraining the dust attenuation law in early galaxies with JWST - Vladan Markov, Scuola Normale Superiore
16:30-16:45 (15min)
› ALMA view on the dust properties of the HYPERION QSOs - Roberta Tripodi, University of Trieste, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste
16:45-17:00 (15min)