Registration and abstract submission > Registration fees

You can access the payment system here:

Note that your registration is only finalised once payment has been received.
(Attendees from Chalmers should login to the payment system using their Chalmers ID)

The registration fee includes the conference venue, fikas (coffee/tea breaks), a welcome reception and the excursion to Onsala Space Observatory. 

Regular registration (ends 30th of June)

  • Faculty/post-docs: 2250 SEK (incl. 25% VAT)
  • PhD/MSc students: 1125 SEK (incl. 25% VAT)

Late registration (ends 31st of August)

  • Faculty/post-docs: 2875 SEK (incl. 25% VAT)
  • PhD/MSc Students: 1500 SEK (incl. 25% VAT)

Conference Dinner

750 SEK (incl. 25% VAT)

Excursion to Onsala Space Observatory


1 SEK = 0.091 EUR = 0.096 USD = 13.10 JPY (27th of february 2023) 

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